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02/15/06 8:24 AM

#35763 RE: Vision21 #35762


Vision I agree!

Bobky, RE PM, u really should relax!

Anyway Mt man is talkin!

By: themountnman
14 Feb 2006, 10:38 PM EST
Msg. 63890 of 63926
Jump to msg. #

Thought we might've heard from you by now given the scheduled events of the 9th. And hope of course that all went well and that the news is at the very least good to great.

You and your mom will remain in my thoughts.

Take care and stay strong.


Close to the Stowe scene? In geographical terms?

Not hardly.


By: docbill23

"No R/S again...sounds good to me. Appears these PR's are setting some sort of foundation or launching pad for the future...I'm getting happy."

Yours was the first sensible post I read this day. Speaking generally came as a pleasant and welcome change of pace. Truly stood out. And then of course for the far greater part…

Came the back to the wading ugliness.



What impressed me the most was that you noticed. With all others apparently asleep at the wheel as usual. And shock and surprise on that one of course. It's all about the audience RJ and it always is. The answers are very much always in the details. Management know what they're doing. Time for a little alertness indeed.


175m x .0001 = $17.5k

And those orders? I did the math. And does it add up? Well need I say it? But indeed if you did see some green well of course congratulations. We are after all here to make money. And don't panic by the way. You have nothing to prove to me and I have nothing to prove to you. And the same with all others. And as for ‘Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Buy’? I wonder what the motivation hmm? Well wink wink huh? And twelve days and counting indeed. And continued good luck of course. All the best in fact.

And isn’t that nicer than name-calling?



"I used to be good at this"

"This is simple and yet so complicated"

"Sometimes it's kinda spooky"

"I'm not complaining"

"Another thing"

"OK. This is what I'm getting at"

"Is it just me or am I too picky"

"Check this out"

"I concede that Dan appears to be trying"


"Ohh, Ohhhh, I know the answer"



Congratulations on the position. Yourself and/or friend. But I have to say that of the few posts you've submitted here lately I find the content somewhat strangely conflicting. But nevertheless congrats and welcome. Always nice to have someone seemingly civil on board (wink wink).


Well fancy meeting you in a place like this huh? Still hanging in there are you? And speaking of hanging how's that mullet of yours? Or have you pulled it out by now? And garbage you say? Piece of? And still as stated hanging in? Well need I say it? Door open and all that (wink wink) rot? You'd be happier would you sitting on say a QBID paper loss from .0012 or so would you? Or some such? Like so many others? Any of us pay .0001 per share in the absence of good reason did we? MSFT is it? The underlying venue work in certain and specific ways does it? And with that said did you enjoy my previous presentment? Didn't go over too many heads now did it huh? lol Absolutely no one able to figure it out. And where do you suppose all the rest of the Mensans are hiding huh? lol So you're not a happy camper then? That it? And as for the financials mentioned a few times here and there? Well if we are so graced one of these days will we be so to benefit management? And I wonder who here can figure that one out hmm? And Dan's popularity rating not exactly stellar you say? That what you said was it? Well just like yours truly Dan doesn't seem all that concerned, right? This isn't a popularity contest after all and when it comes to a piece of the pie there's no one as stated twisting anyone's arm/arms, right? And with that said remember this...

"If you don't like our plan, don't buy our stock."

I will concede once again this much though…

A complete communications shutdown wasn’t exactly the best of all possible choices but it’s what happened and so be it.

No macgyver. It ain't rocket science. And as stated the door is now open. And in relative terms there hasn't exactly been the stampede of the century now has there? The exiting? The sell side that is? And P&D? That what it is? You miss this part did you...

"Nonetheless, we are committed to our unique strategy, and building this multi-faceted, exciting business while striving to create shareholder value," he continued. "Along these lines, we have every confidence that the intrinsic value of our company will increase."

It's like I said at IHub I post what I do the way I do for a reason(s). There's a specific reason(s) that I present what I do when I do. Discuss what I do. When I do. And with that said...

Why did I focus recently on the share structure improvements? And in the way that I did? Why the new identity angle presentment? Why the mention of phase two and continued M&A and so on? And when next the T/A numbers are current what will we see? Well wanna take a guess? There's a plan being executed macgyver. A very deliberate one. A trickle approach. The right approach for the sake of the company. And so far it's working beautifully. The PRRM moniker isn't the future. And as for what is? Well I covered it didn't I? And Dan and crew are doing the same. And can't see it? No? The stage is being set macgyver. Reread the aforementioned passage and note the mention of shareholder value and intrinsic value. Where are ICAN and QBID trading now? Where's the shareholder value? Recall my mentioning long ago about the new PRRM being OTC atypical? Clock holds a position(s) and no other apparently and would like selflessly enough bless his little heart nothing more than an entirely empty run - like of course no shortage of others for their own reason(s) - in order to help out certain and specific family members on the living conditions circumstances front and other magnanimous and more such. And do YOU care about the company? Or will it be green and gone for you too? Well big mystery huh? And do Dan and the rest know it? More than well aware are they? What's needed macgyver is as stated numerous times previously a stable higher average trading base. An empty run does the company itself no long-term good. There's a very real company being built, remember? We haven't been reversed. And we're not going to be. No massive magnitude reverse. And it's not about a P&D. It's about building as stated a very real company. And while Ed and Frank do a lot of complaining and otherwise go the soapbox route relative to improving things at market level where they are they've both to no small degree invited upon themselves what they now face. But not so us. The application of equity for us hasn't been about operations. And relative to market level for any of us or ICAN or QBID or any other such for that matter is gutter level a good thing overall? Beneficial in every way? By far for the operational and growth/expansion best? Should Dan and crew not concern themselves and simply forge ahead despite? Be for the best indeed would it? Something along the lines of…

"Shareholder value! We don' need no stinkin' shareholder value!"

That it?

And with that in mind consider this...

'Mr. Burgess also cited his personal commitment and continued purchases of Company stock on the open market as testament to management's firm belief in the mission and goals of the Company.'

Purchases in the open market. And do you suppose those purchases will at the appropriate time still take place above .0001? And suggest anything to you does it? And conflictingly so? Seemingly incongruous is it all? VVV? Draw all the attention we can? Generate as much volume as we can? Add as much value as we can? And so on. And insider buying? At .0001? Continuing? And tough to figure? Well what's the insider buying all about exactly? Is it an investment? Is it designed more specifically for share structure improvements overall? A combination of the two? Other such? And would it if circumstances were such be happening at say .0005 as queried? And how about the canceled stock? What I last wrote about again? And again conflicting? Seemingly incongruous? Buy personally in the open market and have at the same time other personal holdings canceled? There's no buyback going on, remember? It's not the company. It's an individual. And...

"What in the wide, wide world of sports is a goin' on here?"

Does seem a tad confusing doesn't it? And what was it ape-man said? Before I sent him off to iggyland with the rest of the inmates that is? Well wasn't it something about a door being supposedly deliberately and self-servingly opened? Something about last week amounting to nothing more than a release valve? One provided by management solely to rid themselves of the worst among the whiners, b#tchers, moaners and complainers and the rest of it? And then back to business as usual? Dan supposedly picking up a billion or so at .0001 precipitating indeed what was needed to bring about a two-sided quote just long enough to as stated rid himself and the insider rest of the worst of the nuisance pestilence? Briefly fling open the exit doors? And accurate indeed? Well if you think so I'd be real careful if I were you of the approach of anyone telling of bridges for sale and at bargain basement prices no less. Recall do you Dan long ago mentioning phase two M&A activity? The need of cash and the concomitant need of a higher pps and the rest of it? And the two funding deals that’ve been mentioned? What there? Well it's been hinted at and more hasn't it? This board's a fun place to be isn't it? Having to wade through all the detritus and the rest of it? The no position/no life crowd hanging around. No shortage of those having already exited in full remaining to ever so thoughtfully haunt us. And certainly no shortage of course of so-called longs routinely putting our resident hard-core bashers to shame. And fun indeed huh? And garbage was it? Piece of? That what you said was it? Garbage? And trapped like a rat are you? You and the rest? And at whose doing again if ‘twere so? Ominous dark suits was it? That it? There's a plan being executed macgyver. A very smart plan. But it takes smart to understand smart. That. And calm and rational. And there I'll leave it.

And take care hmm?

You and the rest.




Good evening to you.

And nice to have you back posting. I remember you well. Recognized the alias instantly.

And I enjoyed your post. And in actuality I read it first at IHub. And with that said let's not lose sight of the middle ground in this battle if you will. For it's not just about extremes. About blindly pumping and bashing. There's the middle ground too. The middle ground where the balanced who never lose sight of pennyland realties reside. The ones who consider all. The rest of it. And as for pps appreciation? A stable higher average trading base? Well that's indeed it as pointed out. From management's perspective that is. And then? Well that's where pennyland realities come in. January '05 you joined us you say. And what was happening right then? And why? You get in during that first week did you? And if so? Why? What we had at the time was an attempted P&D. Pennyland realities at their finest. What it's far and away all about. Get green any way you can. Take the money and run and so on. There were a lot of folks climbing on board 13 or so months ago. The .0002's being gobbled up readily but to no avail. Debt conversion still in play and the folks at NITE doing their thing. Could've been good. Could've been great. But it’s now ancient history and we're now off to a new start as stated. And in myriad ways. And at market level we have liftoff underway. A trickle effect in play. And ever so smartly so as stated. And as for the meat and potatoes as RJ would say? Well appetizers first. Frank did it wrong, remember? And as market level continues to improve/strengthen? Our registered MM's ever hungrier and playing nice? VVV underway? Visibility? Growth? Awareness? And aggressive? And in pennyland it's the audience that counts? And the trading pro's? The one's we've mentioned a few times? What there? Dan and the rest want and need a stable higher average trading base as stated and it'll happen and soon as that’s what we’re seeing of late is all about. And when meat and potatoes time is here? When it IS time to flip on that final switch? Well that's the point at which pennyland realities as stated very much kick in. (And it could in fact happen prior to the flipping of that final switch.) When all hell breaks loose that is. The point at which a massive and anxious audience inclusive of the trading pro’s do themselves and the rest of us some serious financial good. And it’s all going to be propped up by cementing beforehand the realness of the involved company. That’s what’s happening. A trickle becoming a flood in more ways than one. And when the excitement’s over? When it’s all played out? Well management will have what they want and need i.e., a stable higher average trading base and a happy and contented massive shareholder base. And as for the rest? Well indeed…

Pennyland realities.


02/15/06 8:28 AM

#35765 RE: Vision21 #35762

you are talking to a brick wall. lol I have asked the same thing numerous of times-lol


02/15/06 9:25 AM

#35789 RE: Vision21 #35762

give it a afew days to run? vision if this thing goes to .0002 or 3 i will kiss your butt