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02/12/14 8:13 PM

#13 RE: the cork #12

I appreciate your thoughts. Yes, revenue would be good....


04/09/14 1:36 PM

#17 RE: the cork #12

Patent Information

Here's what I've dug up:

13/134,849 Sand Filter
13/134,851 Centrifugal Separator
13/134,852 Electronic Precipitator
13/134,853 Cleaning Universal Strainer
61/509,841 Chitosan Nano Copolymers (UOS)
13/870,494 Mine Dam Water Treatment
13/864,648 Nanosan Toilets with Options
13/864,709 Landfill Leachate Process
13/870,469 Extraction of Gold and other Metals

The company has also mentioned that it's in the process of securing further patents. Securing the patents is critical to the long-term success of the company. Like you point out, given the results that Nanostruck has acheived, it's really a no brainer for one of the thousands of companies out there maintaining tailings ponds to partner with them to extract the valuables resources and protect/clean-up the environment. And I expect them to get a lot of business from NanoMet, and generate a lot of revenue - at least shot term. It's about competitors not duplicating the NanoStruck process to ensure long-term success.

I agree that it's good not to get involved too early, and like I mentioned before I expect the company to complete a raise around the current levels to secure capital. But, that being said, I believe that we're going to start seeing revenue in the next few months, and potentially some big contracts that I want to ensure I'm a shareholder for when/if they're announced. And I feel comfortable buying at the current level. The metrics from the mining operation alone are very enticing, not to mention everything else that I and others have pointed out.