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02/12/14 3:57 PM

#11123 RE: janice shell #11098

That depends on the state of incorporation. Evidently Delaware allows them to raise the authorized by a majority vote.

But wouldn't the vote itself need to be publicized, or at least all shareholders be made aware of the vote and proxies sent out in order for all shareholders to participate in the vote?

Or are you suggesting that in DE, if the company knows it has enough insider shares to control the vote, that they can bypass the proxy and formal voting process and simply push it thru unilaterally?

Thanks again...


02/12/14 7:26 PM

#11395 RE: janice shell #11098

Janice...seeing that you are well known around these parts...I have a question...

I know this IS a stretch for sure, but is it possible that the CEO of STBV is actually really crafty and he planned all of this?

What I'm alluding to is that he stated in the PR (who knows if it's true) that they would have the "deal" done in mid February and commence operation at the beginning of March. So, what if Andy wants the stock to trade this way so that it will create a huge short position? Is that possible? Because "if" he has real operations going on with legitimate Pr's to follow, then that would create a buying frenzy that would squeeze this stock up high big time.

No, I haven't smoked any...yet :)

Only serious problem I see going forward is that he filed to have the ability to increase the A/S to 100B....that tells me that he's not real confident ...JMO


02/12/14 10:43 PM

#11553 RE: janice shell #11098

wow, epic dump today!


02/13/14 12:53 PM

#11878 RE: janice shell #11098

So far, they haven't sold any of the shares they want to offer. Reg A offerings entail filing that 1-A, and having it deemed effective by the SEC. The SEC seems to be ignoring their request that it be deemed effective. There haven't even been any comment letters.

They can't sell anything until the 1-A is deemed effective, if it ever is.


In your experience...

What is the typical turnaround time that the SEC usually takes in issuing a Notice of Effectiveness if it intended to do so? I am presuming that with the most recent Amendment 3 having been filed just last month (JAN-2014), that this must be an unusually long delay for you to opine that "the SEC must be ignoring their request"?

Is silence from the SEC typically meant to be construed as "denial"? Or would the SEC issue an official Notice either way to either make the offering effective or to reject the offering?

Is there typically a series (or at least one round) of comment letters for these types of offerings? In your opinion, can anything be read into the absence of any such comment letters from the SEC yet?

In your experience, does the SEC typically just "rubber stamp" these or do they get scrutinized and the SEC will often actually reject proposed offerings if they deem that such an offering in its current form would unreasonably and inequitably cause irreparable harm to current shareholders?

Overall, based upon what you have seen w/this name, combined with your experience overall in the markets, would you opine that the odds are more likely or less likely that the SEC would grant a Notice of Effectiveness for this proposed offering in its current form? Not going to quote you on anything, but just interested in your perspective based upon your years of experience in observing SEC behavior and trends in these matters.

OK, I'll turn off the Turkish prison interrogation lamp now. Time to hit CTRL-V: Thank you again, Janice!