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02/14/06 5:35 PM

#35651 RE: VanGo #35645

TSNX, VanGO, no offense intended. But as you can imagine, because this is a popular board, we occasionally get people who stop by to pump a stock. Len, and the other moderators do their best to remove all stocks mentioned that are unprofitable, and the rest of us try to pitch in with help whenever we can. We don't catch everything. If the company mentioned is profitable, then it's fine and no one would look twice at when the alias was registered. But the board is limited to profitable stocks. The zip code changers board (listed below) is where unprofitable but promising stocks should go.

Here are the rules of the board (from the info box):

Value Microcaps is dedicated to finding profitable, low p/e, value stocks. Although our title would suggest a limit on market cap or stock price, we are primarily looking for the "Value" proposition and buy some stocks that are bigger. We avoid story stocks with no revenues or earnings. We do look for turnaround situations where companies have posted a profitable qtr and have indicated in their guidance that additional profits are imminent.

Only stocks that have posted earnings for the most recent quarter, or more earnings than losses for the previous 2, 3 or 4 quarters are appropriate stocks for this board. The word "value" implies earnings.

Also, please refrain from duplicate posting on Value Microcaps and Zip Code Changers. Determine which board is most appropriate and post only on that board.

Value Microcaps DD
We use this board to post semi permanent DD on our favorite stocks. You can post a shorter post on Value Microcaps but then post more detailed analysis on Value Microcaps DD and then refer anyone with interest to the longer post. Due to the smaller volume, it should be easily accessible and prevent the need for repetitive posts asking for basic info.

VM ZipCodeChangers
This is a board for stocks that aren't profitable yet or have high p/e and don't fit the Value Microcap formula. They should be stocks that have good to great potential and could potentially change your zipcode! Still a great place to discuss stocks but more open in format.

Mid Cap and Large Cap This board is for stocks that are larger than microcaps yet have similar value characterstics of the Value Microcap board.

Survey Board Survey Board (VMSB) This board is for a discussion of politics, religion and assorted other nonstock, potentially inflammatory issues.

As you post and follow the board, VanGo, please also do your best to point out when an unprofitable stock has been mentioned, to help out the moderators.

Anybody is welcome, but please keep within the rules of the board.
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IH Geek [Dave]

02/14/06 8:11 PM

#35672 RE: VanGo #35645

Three posts a day.