...spot on, spot on! Plus...we all know that "lorraine" is actually the charged counter fitter, or cabinet fitter...whatever, lOl...
If they had it and it worked they'd have shipped it to the "50 ihub customers" right after the CES dOg & pony charade...what better way to sell your 504 and 144 shares...!?
By the way...I find it pretty funny that some still think that the genius didn't "start" with the Tegra 4 from the very beginning...if he didn't...then, yes, he truly is a moron...and everyone involved with ntek is better off with him rotting in the pen...for the next couple of decades...if not longer.
HIGHLY DOUBTFUL that IR has ANY information that is credible, after reading the "purported" IR email exchanges……………….very WONKY "facts" in that email, which falls into the same category as rumor or just plain garbage info