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02/10/14 11:44 AM

#43100 RE: rbtree #43098

That is utter BS imo. The 100 whacks started way before the retail 911's. Sort of quashes that ridiculous concoction doesn't it! So what about the five 100 whacks today so far? There have been no 911 trades today. Pffft to that misdirection.

but the each transaction from the block position is going to result in a 100 share trade for the routing fee assessed

sta loose

02/10/14 12:02 PM

#43115 RE: rbtree #43098

Good Post..ppl should read it,
over again.....
Imagine then, if this even gets to .0006


02/17/14 1:12 PM

#45235 RE: rbtree #43098

100 whack manipulation 'explanation' is a sticky? Hahahaha.


02/25/14 6:42 AM

#47865 RE: rbtree #43098

It's worth repeating this excellent post:

"100 share trades--another view..

and a,logical one at that. This is from BigBake1. Don't agree. Find him and take it up with him. He has his own board.

GNCP is a dumpfest of mega proportions and it is because of this dumping of billions of newly issued shares there are transactions being reported to the tape for “fees”. Someone is routing their orders through different MMs on purpose to hide their dumping transaction. A flat rate per transaction is assessed based upon the PPS at the time of sale. Due to routing there is an additional fee applied for each and every transaction routed through a specific MM nor ECN, this is simply market making.

Oddly enough, someone buying 911 shares per trade are causing the routing fee to be assessed, of course the trade size doesn’t matter at all, but the each transaction from the block position is going to result in a 100 share trade for the routing fee assessed. The reason I am pointing out the 911 transactions is because it is retail manipulation trying to create volume based upon potential news coming. Of course it is a myth predicated on MMs signaling using small transactions on the consolidated tape reports to drive market price. Such transactions are in fact flagged and that retail depending on the broker may receive a phone call or message from their broker to knock it off.

Less one thinks that buying or selling to manipulate price based on 100 share transactions or any small transaction in order to prop up price or manipulate volume doesn’t get regulatory attention, they need to think again. Last year a retail trader was in fact doing so and was the subject of an SEC complaint, in one security he wasn’t even benefiting from the transactions. Nothing spells disaster like regulatory fines and trading restrictions on a losing trade transaction due to painting the tape..... lol


04/01/14 9:41 AM

#59516 RE: rbtree #43098

Lumb lumb lumb!!! GNCP$

sta loose

04/01/14 10:15 AM

#59533 RE: rbtree #43098

Agree, alike thinking.. along
those same lines!
