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02/10/14 11:35 AM

#2349 RE: thejerryb #2348

Agreed. I was referring to the company execs really. I understand why you didn't sell. I'm sure that you never anticipated the company trading at these levels. I think if we are all patient enough we can be rewarded and hopefully you can see much of your investment return. I wish you luck. $OPXS.


02/10/14 11:41 AM

#2350 RE: thejerryb #2348

GM Jerry. Right now there are 3 of us that have the information you give me and thats as for as it goes. Glade you shared it with me and you not being used to the penny market all i can tell you is just sat back and not to sell 1 share of what you have and if you do know any of the others tell them not to either. I realize you would be giving away your hard work to buy them and if you will trust me we will get the share price back up where you and others want take such a beating on them. We are waiting on the earnings report right now and Bloomberg say they due tommorow but that doesnt matter they will be out shortly. Have a good day OK. OPXS


02/10/14 11:48 AM

#2351 RE: thejerryb #2348

Rockman & Shell are 2 others i shared the information with & i know they feel the same as i do and will work toward your interest. We all know how it feels to get done over and The Broker couldnt help what happened to him. We all have to do that & if you will trust us for a little while it should be well worth your Trust OK. OPXS