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02/09/14 3:18 PM

#174329 RE: stockprofitter #174324

Not wanting to get into a tussle (just discussion) but I did see this which kinda makes me think they can do pretty much anything they want. However, definitely not applicable at this juncture. But when has applicable and logic ever entered into government decisions? They may just want to slide it on over and claim victory! Hopefully with all the lawsuits this will deter their jumping onto the victory boat and bring things back to reality.

United States process[edit]

Several regulatory entities have been granted power by the Congress to place banking and financial institutions into receivership like the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency for failing nationally chartered commercial banks; the Office of Thrift Supervision for failing savings and loan associations (thrift institutions); and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) for government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) such as Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the 12 Federal Home Loan Banks. Most individual states also have granted receivership authority to their own bank regulatory agencies and insurance regulators.

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02/09/14 4:49 PM

#174346 RE: stockprofitter #174324

I sure can't see it any other way than what you've stated. Go FNF. :-}}}