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02/08/14 3:08 PM

#171216 RE: Porgie Tirebiter #171215

and in fact, what would qualify them to do so in the first place? Someone depending on board moderators to provide them with balanced due diligence has no business sticking money into the stock market anyway.

Then how come only moderators have access to adding information? And how come it exists in the first place if no one should use it?

On the contrary though, I know many people who refer to that information for making investments. It is a good idea, it is a quick and convenient way to find information on a company all in one spot.

Some times everything from the SEC database, OTCmarkets, PR's, Filings, etc, etc, is all contained in the i-box. So people check it to see... and that is when, many times, they are introduced to "stories" which were added by the one-sided group of mods, (stories which may or may not be true), and it DOES impact their decision because WORDS have power. believe it or not! That is why so many posters complain the way they do when the info is all one sided. It's important that this information feed is an equal opportunity.

Hattori Hanzo

02/08/14 3:13 PM

#171217 RE: Porgie Tirebiter #171215

Sounds like the complaints of one wishing to be spoon fed


The fact it's even a discussion lends credence to the assertion that the OTC is for entertainment only

Anyone updating the ibox has access to the same information as everyone else, being a mod doesn't grant one special access to anything

"I'm busy watching daytime TV, someone please tell me if I should buy."

Pffffffffft, I smile when they get marked and robbed