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02/08/14 1:03 PM

#258344 RE: Golfgod #258335

I hope that some of the more savvy traders here could explain some things to me please.

It's a myth used exclusively to mask crappy performance by crappy penny stock companies. Let's break down the claims and you will understand.

If those that want to hurt JBI, or short JBII can borrow as many shares as they want to manipulate the share price....when does it stop?

It doesn't. The claims are that it is being done openly and in direct violation of securitites regulations. If this is the case then it must mean that those in charge of preventing it or stepping in, primarily the SEC, are incompetent or just plain don't care. The arguments here have always been that the SEC is inept, can't do their job, don't protect investors and allow abusive practices that destroy these gems.

It then becomes illegal naked shorting as the excuse where MM's conspire with each other to destroy a company by shorting the stocks with no intention of borrowing or covering their short position which would create a situation where endless shorting pressure would eventually take the stock to .0001 even though JBII is the greatest company on earth....LOL

So, the silly arguments about shorting would actually be the main reason not to invest here because according to those who claim abusinve and illegal shorting, there is no cure for it. If unsophisticated penny stock traders can figure it out then why can't the SEC? You see where I am going here?

If the government organization that would protect you is inept and doesn't do their job then the shorting will never end, the company has no chance of survival, the shorts will go on unabated, unchallenged and without consequence so can anybody give a legitimate reason to invest in a stock that is going to be illegally decimated into the ground without protections?

I sure can't.....Or JBII is just a crappy company that is unable to create a profitable business model, has never met their own inflated projections or cost basis and is currently in a serious financial crisis which has caused the share price to suffer. That's the logical explaination and the truthful one.

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02/08/14 3:01 PM

#258347 RE: Golfgod #258335

when there is a short position in a stock and said stock declares a dividened those who sold the short must pay the dividend. Also when a company uplists off the otc all stock is called and the shorts must cover. these two options also thwart the shorts.
Naked shorting is vehemently denied by the industry. The DTCC and the SEC and the MMs must collude for this to be possible. Many of startups have failed do to the lack of capital formation from the abuse of shorting. Google would be a fine source to start your education. JBII is at the sink or swim point, its all about risk and reward and usually retail gets the short end of the stick although this time NITE may get clubbed.