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02/07/14 12:35 PM

#102356 RE: PG #102355

Let's see , our good friend Sportynorty arranged the delivery of the original summons to Peter personally last year during a shareholder conference. Peter signed personally , has Peter kept the court informed of his address or changes thereof, and Fl SoS the registered agent has it been updated?

Courts don't look kindly on debtors avoiding service notices.

This hearing could cost Peter and Company another $100,000 in Judgment however. The original note allowed collection costs based on standard fees (Broward County Fl is 30% of Judgment). I wonder if Plaintiff's attorney will modify judgment request to include the collection fees on the approx. $250,000, thus making the total judgment approx. $350,000.

Peter better not be pro se, since personally liable, but dig deep and post the quarter million bond and retain a Texas counsel. I am sure he is attempting to borrow funds from some "sucker" with the story he tells.

It don't look good for PVE and PV.

Truth , Justice and the American Way.....


04/14/14 6:04 PM

#120584 RE: PG #102355

Kerry: After becoming the investor relations representative for PVEC, you have primarily posted only on the non-public forum run by the company for the last few months. Jason also seems to restrict his posts to the company-run forum that he developed.

This results in you and Jason providing information only to the small population of people who are willing to register for that site despite the company's warnings as to how personal information of registered users may be used. Additionally, company representatives often ban registered posters from reading or participating in the company's forum if they ask questions or express concern.

It seems you could be much more informative if you would register as an IRP on iHub and make your statements viewable to the general public.

Unlike the private forum run by PVEC, everyone can read posts on iHub.