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02/05/14 11:02 AM

#93520 RE: StockScout1 #93509

Here's the thing though... we have been "BELOW" .002 for over 2 months, with $ locked up with, NO support from the Brass other than millions of shares being flooded into play to pay people off...even when things were in the dumps with NTE* about a year ago, they continually communicated (casually) with investors on Twitter, FB, etc.... i'm afraid to say, if Positive ACTUAL #'s don't start coming out soon, it'll be a shame but some that have been here for quite some time will probably bail, or if #'s do come out but a boat load of extra shares hit the floor again in dilution, it will also be an exit for many.... this is PENNY WORLD , people ARE looking for GAINS, and it's hard watching MMJ
increasing +100% / day, hell the big board would have given us better with more security and liquidity than this.... as top notch as the exec team appears to be , they have to hear/see the public/investor sentiment hear, i would hope... March cant come soon enough, but not only are we in Flipper paradise, if this heads back to .002 , watch people bail IMO....