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02/04/14 12:19 PM

#66675 RE: 1manband #66674

In terms of estimating costs then for audit and xbrl you estimate $20k to $37k just for audit/review and XBRL. Add in Edgar costs, any legal review, and form 4/8k/etc easily figure is $50k minimum I estimated.

In case I am still curious- if a company doesnt have money to pay for such costs, why is it illigitamate for the company to de-register ? So are you stating that if a company cant raise funds to stay reporting, but by your definition it is not legitamate to be non reporting, what is a company supposed to do ? Isnt it better they at least try as a non reporting company ?

Please note that I do not diagree that some if not most as you say may de-register simply to avoid scrutiny of whatever sort.How many companies de-register becasue they cant afford the costs, and instead of rushing to do a promotion just go dormant or semi dormant because of funding problems ?

As far as CGFI my own opinion is they will eventually de register to save money, and just to avoid having to report the incerasing disaster that seems to be occurring.