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02/02/14 12:29 AM

#36581 RE: big gttom #36580

If Smart Win thought they had breached they would have let sleeping dogs lie. But they didn't, instead THEY BROUGHT AN ACTION whereas Mal did not. That ought to tell you something.

What is more the reason EL 14/2009 was lost was because in the upshot Mal didn't have the $50 million line of credit he purported to have in order to get the licence granted. Nothing to do with Smart Win there.
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02/02/14 10:03 AM

#36582 RE: big gttom #36580

Only in Mad Mal's desperate, cowering imagination.

There's an interesting bit of email in the files, have you read them? You know, where SmartWin asks EEGC for some proof regarding the charges they're asking be reimbursed. They ask for something more than a spreadsheet outlining the charges, something a little more substantial. You know... looking to be sure the money actually WENT where Mad Mal said it was going? Didn't wind up in, oh, I don't know... some random Isle of Man account by "accident?"

Apparently they'd asked for such basic supporting documents for some time, yet hadn't received them.

Why would that be?

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02/02/14 3:14 PM

#36583 RE: big gttom #36580

NOPE ... All those false claims by EEGC of financing being done is what killed EEGC.
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02/02/14 4:53 PM

#36584 RE: big gttom #36580

Not completely worthless and if you have enough stock and enough time to dribble it onto the market it all mounts up. It's over 20 months since the exploration licence expired and the game was officially over despite all the time wasting shenanigans that continued on. Plus Mal's tout working from the Hobart office was still hard at work looking for easy marks to buy trust shares at no doubt "bargain" prices. He was using as bait a letter from a former Minister that supposedly proved GSLM still held the rights to the ground. He wanted to show it to me but I wasn't biting.

Dribble worthless stock? C'mon