Amazing to have this picked up at HS Today. Publicity to security services world wide!!!
Great catch 2theMoon
From HSToday.US
Disinfecting a weaponized biological attack
Meanwhile, patent protection has been given to Medizone International, Inc. for AsepticSure, which is designed to remediate buildings following a weaponized biological attack using Anthrax.
The company announced this week that it had been granted its fourth patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for its “revolutionary enclosed space room disinfection system, AsepticSure.
“Following on the heels of patent protection being established for its health care related patent applications,” Medizone said it “has now been awarded a patent for its government variant of AsepticSure intended for use by defense agencies as a response to a biological attack on critical buildings, infrastructure and resources."
"At our Innovation Park, Queens University laboratories, we have been successful in completely eliminating Bacillus atropheus and Bacillus subtilis, both internationally recognized study surrogates for Anthrax, one of the most difficult weaponized pathogens to kill,” said Medizone International President Dr. Michael E. Shannon. “Being able to eliminate these surrogates for Anthrax with our technology almost assures we now have the ability to remediate critical public infrastructure following a biological attack and restore it to service without damaging important and expensive equipment including communications systems. Militaries have struggled with this problem for decades and, until now, this simply has not been possible."
"To now have patent protection granted for this system should allow the company protected access to a potentially lucrative government market due to the unique capability of AsepticSure's government variant,” said Medizone CEO Edwin Marshall.