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01/29/14 9:41 AM

#257138 RE: stocker11 #257131

"You're the one is absolutely wrong about any finding of criminal wrongdoing, in fact, the opposite is true."

No, I'm not wrong.

Bordynuik is a criminal, and JBII acted criminally. Just because SEC forced them to settle in a civil case doesn't alter that fact:

"JBI, its then CEO, John Bordynuik, and its former CFO, Ronald Baldwin, Jr. (“Baldwin”), engaged in a scheme to commit securities and accounting fraud in 2009.........

Bordynuik was aware of, or was reckless in not being aware of, GAAP concerns surrounding the reported value of the media credits in advance of the company’s periodic reports that included the financial statements filed with the Commission, yet falsely certified that the company’s financial statements for those reporting periods were filed in conformity with GAAP."

"Definition of 'Securities Fraud'

A type of serious white-collar crime in which a person or company, such as a stockbroker, brokerage firm, corporation or investment bank, misrepresents information that investors use to make decisions. Securities Fraud can also be committed by independent individuals (such as by engaging in insider trading). The types of misrepresentation involved in this crime include providing false information, withholding key information, offering bad advice, and offering or acting on inside information."

Apologists for penny stock scams spend so much time on semantics to try to excuse inexcusable behavior, when the man from Peoria knows that Bordynuik is a crook, simply by knowing that he lied through his teeth to boost JBII stock so he could sell at an enormous personal profit.