Cajun... Not a rude question at all. I know every institution is different but the majority of centers that are performing complex cases are utilizing third arm. Here are just a few cases where I have seen this, not only in the couple hospital that I worked in but others that I have traveled to during case observations with Key opinion leaders. As alway, this has been a great site for sharing info and opinions
-Prostate:-used for many steps of procedure
Partial Nephrectomy. Used for retraction of kidney during tumor resection
-Hysterectomies: Large pathology (uterus) in benign and malignant hysterectomy
- Sacrocolpoplexies. Used for dissection, retraction, and holding graft
-Lobectomy. Retraction, third arm stapling
-Colectomy: retraction & stapling
-mitral valve: retraction of valve. ( there is a special retractor for cardiac procedures.