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01/29/14 2:24 AM

#103280 RE: growthstocks #103279

I don't think they won't air because of girl on girl action. I think they won't air because they were designed to never air.

Additionally Q4 looks like 600k to me, Q3 order numbers for OL were 8331 Q4 order numbers for OL 10901


01/29/14 10:09 AM

#103281 RE: growthstocks #103279

I think he would have aired them by now... Just like many other things he PR'd about, I don't think this one will pan out either. Too bad... They probably cost a decent amount of money. I just wish he'd update us on them.


01/29/14 10:35 AM

#103283 RE: growthstocks #103279

The Commercials WILL AIR, IMO, because...

...because Danny can allocate and apply monies that NOW are
coming into BRAV from the Five OUTSTANDING and EXCITING Websites.

Danny didn't merely make those Commercials for Vanity's sake --
even if there WERE some degree of intrinsic, innate vanity involved
(given Danny's personality and temperament). Big deal, so Danny's
vain, and has glorious and grandiose visions. So STEVE JOBS and
BILL GATES aren't that way?? I mean, NAME ONE big-time Corporate titan
who ISN'T without ego and vanity.

I also am confident that the lesbian scenes -- although each little
clip lasts barely 1-2 Seconds in duration -- will be edited-OUT,
and replaced with other clips from the Commercial "shoot," of which
there surely are PLENTY lying all over the cutting-room floor.
In this
digital era, it's no biggee to swap-out, and then insert fresh, non-lesbian clips.

We shall be seeing those Ads -- at least ONE of the three --
before Valentine's Day. Yes, that's just IMO of course. HEY! GO FOR IT, DANNY!

Friends, it WILL happen.

And you know what ELSE? I've been sensing a strong, growing HUNCH
that INVESTMENT CAPITAL (from an outside source that is NOT a Shareholder)
will be coming into BRAV.

Yes, I believe that "Venture Capital" from either a deep-pocketed
individual OR an organization WILL be coming to the "rescue."
They will come to see and know for themselves, and will recognize
and appreciate the sheer genius of Danny Alex -- his magical and
miraculous gifts for detecting and responding to impending and
existing Market trends, demands, and conditions. And they'll
give him money.
Of course, there's a trade-off...keep reading.

Now, DANNY will have to bite his lower lip, prune his bangs a bit
(not being snarky or disrespectful here -- just calling it as it is),
and accept the recommendations of this deep-pocketed individual
or organization...and bring-on the SORELY-NEEDED, VITAL, and
CRUCIAL MANAGERIAL EXPERTISE to help helm-this-ship.

And you know what else? Danny will "give." He WILL acknowledge and
accept, with a mixture of relief and resignation, that HE and BRAV
are on the precipice of GREATNESS. He will yield and forsake
SOME of the oversight and operational/financial functions TO OTHERS. Yes he will.

I'm just saying what the reality IS here, as I know it and believe it to be.

All the Best to Everybody and Brave BRAV!$ :-)