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01/28/14 6:43 PM

#127551 RE: simplegreen #127550

Simple, thanks for clearing that up...again. Seems like that was posted here a little while ago as well. And the next question is, Why do the big industries put out publications referencing why 90% of investors fail in forex as if it's the investors fault when clearly it's the banks and brokers that contribute heavily to this failure? When one has the power to change the rules of the game at will then it is practically impossible to win. The retail investor can only hope to chip away small gains and hope to go unnoticed by the greedy referees. I have stuck to the same trading style and have done well this month only to have it nearly stripped away in the past two days with head fakes. At this point, indicators are useless and stop losses are a no-no because they only work when "THEY" want them to work. For every step forward, two steps back are sure to follow. Ok, enough ranting for today. Can you tell I'm frustrated now? Lol


01/28/14 6:45 PM

#127552 RE: simplegreen #127550

But what if one bank is going long AU and one is going short? Like you think every bank is working together? Each bank is only a small fraction of total monies in forex imo. Unless every bank is going long the same pair, I dont think they have as big an effect as you may think. I dont really know either way...its just how I look at it.


01/28/14 7:16 PM

#127554 RE: simplegreen #127550

Seems like any of us would have better luck if we did the exact opposite of our natural instinct as chart readers,Especialy on lower time frame charts.
We have all learned the same methods of reading charts and if 75%of the 4X traders normal instinct at charting is wrong than doing the exact opposite of there normal instinct should be correct;-)
I think this is the Holy Grail of 4X!LOL