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01/27/14 6:27 PM

#9535 RE: ANRK #9533

I don't know man. I don't like to speculate on what it could be, what it couldn't etc. etc....

Here's what we know. The company is real. The Bakken deal is real. Their working wells are real, their leases are real. They have a nice sounding receptionist that answers the phone when you call, they are dealing with real people on the other end of the Bakken deal as well. They have an IR guy (Rick Severson) that is very good and actually answers the phone and even calls back if you leave a voicemail. Their CEO is putting himself on a talkshow every 2 weeks to give shareholders information. They are pulling oil out of the ground!

Here is also what we know: Floyd has, in the past kept pushing things back. There is dilution happening and for some reason there is a small group of people that want this company to fail in the worst way, even if it makes them look like a bunch of children in the process...

From everything I've just stated and from every penny stock I've ever studied and done DD on, this one, at this price, is a no brainer, that's why I took a position and will remain long. I don't get caught up in the hype too much, whether good or bad. This is why I question whenever things seem too good or people who want everything to be bad.

All we can do is see what the week brings! Good luck!