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01/27/14 2:24 PM

#178720 RE: Samson777777 #178717

Samson777777 - welcome as a new mod.

Liked your breakdown and recommendation of why longs and those not clear and on the fence should consider hanging there, Very good encapsulation of KMAG at this time.

GLTU and all.


01/27/14 2:49 PM

#178723 RE: Samson777777 #178717

very thoughtful and well laid out response samson--i appreciate that and i hope you are right--e


01/27/14 3:23 PM

#178724 RE: Samson777777 #178717

The few big things to keep in mind???

-JDR has a fairly substantial holding of the common stock (~ 200 - 300 million shares)

The last OTC filing Dec 2012 had him with 140M shares. He doesn't mention whether he still held 39M from the year before. Max shares there is evidence for is 179M. Neither is it unusual for CEOs of previously suspended stocks not to sell their stock. It does them no good to sell, as the SEC would force disgorgement later on.

Based on the 8+ patents on RFID technology that JDR has

Which 8 are those? If he holds 8 patents, then 7 are the old EAS technology. Something for rpac to kick back royalties to him on.

KMAG does not need a working website (currently), phone, or employee base in North America to continue its operation.

Agreed. Collecting maybe $32K in royalties from rpac wouldn't require much in the way of an office. A mail box drop would do.

Keep in mind that based on the last PR in October that KMAG was discussing a joint venture with another company (KMAG moving toward a fresh start).

Except no company was named. A generalization.

Left as loose ends is how is a mythical joint venture (or merger) going to change anything with the SEC. KMAG a grey stock previously suspended for SEC violations is still a grey stock, with the same problems as before. Then again with the financial problems Reid has a merger is out, involving KMAG buying anything. That leaves a mythical joint venture. And as long as Reid and no other insider tries to dump based on some future unsubstantiated mystery joint venture, the SEC won't care.


01/27/14 4:12 PM

#178730 RE: Samson777777 #178717

Well I would think at the very least a "company" which has investors money would have a simple way of getting a hold of them?


01/28/14 12:27 PM

#178772 RE: Samson777777 #178717

So it is the end of this week now.

Another chorus from Annie "The sun will come out, tomorrow you can bet your bottom dollar there will be sun, tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, your only a day away!!!"

The volume has dried up other than a few trades at our current $.0066 with a very small trade coming back in at $.0085.

We are watching what happens to dead ventures, the volume dries up slowly but surely, here it hung in there longer than usual as this active board caused commenters to buy and sell each other shares. KMAG's slow death is about to pick up steam and die faster as volume dries up and the price eventually goes into triple 000's.

Been fun, but you have to realize the fat lady has sung, and she is not singing Annie's song!!