Urban Dictionary: fanboi www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fanboi? Urban Dictionary Someone who is hopelessly devoted to something and will like anything associated with their particular thing. ?5. - ?Fanboi - ?Urban Dictionary: fanboi
It seems pretty accurate to me. I therefore see no reason to stop using it where it is appropriate. Being civil doesn't mean being absurd. If you think fpg and Andy Grave aren't fanbois, then maybe you need to re-read some of their posts. Heck, they prolly think it's a compliment.
There is a difference between maintaining civility and applying censorship based on your particular interpretation of every single word and phrase.
Your role as a moderator should be to keep things within reasonable boundaries, not to nitpick and argue over the tiniest definitions and intent. Is following the rules the most important thing on this board or is the encouragement of meaningful discussion?
I have to admit that you have accomplished what I would have thought of as impossible a week ago. You have made me appreciate the Yahoo message boards. With a choice of too much or too little censorship, I find that I prefer the too little choice.