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04/30/03 10:37 AM

#11257 RE: austin01 #11256

For those that do not understand the importance of a blackout even though management has done a good job of xplaining why. Lets take two products coming to market. One being an aluminum key chain bottle opener. The other a new set of luggage. Lets say you are the guy that came up with the aluminum bottle opener. Do you run out and tell everyone about it. Your poor, so you're trying to raise cash, do you just tell everyone you see about your idea? Or do you protect that idea, develop systems to build it, deliver it, and sell it. Now lets take the luggage and you want to bring it to market say in today's market, a saturated luggage market. In this case you obviously would tell everyone you saw about it hoping to get funding. The strategies would be completely different. Now they have said it is going to be very competitive and I read somewhere where people may just copy it in some countries. That brings very challenging hurdles for this company. I am not going to elaborate because who knows what they are but I am sure they are there. Lets use one more example. If Microsoft were forced to release their code to Windows would they still have the power grip they do over the marketplace? For all those demanding to know what is going on all I can think is unconscious. Can you not see the big picture here? It is quite simple. You either believe in management or you do not. If you believe you sit back and wait and enjoy the ride recognizing that you will never be truly in the know on the inner workings of NVEI. If you do not believe in management you sell and move on with your life. Did you not recognize what position the company was in when you bought? Once you bought your .000001 percent of the company did you think you became an insider? This is a start up company that is trying to bring to market a product the entire world needs really bad. NVEI management has been quite clear that they are concerned about competitors finding out inside information. When someone mentioned on here once that NVEI does not have a secretary answering the phone, some schmuck said something stupid about it. I thought they probably want as little amount of people to know what they are doing as possible. How about that guy over at the bull? One might say he needs to get a life! How about this, maybe he has a life, and it is to try to get the longs to sell and get the price down even farther so someone can buy this cheaper. I would speculate someone is going to buy this company sometime wouldn't you? That guy cannot be over there slamming this company day in day out for no reason can he?

The sum it up the stronger the product the more secretive one has to be. Having a product that the entire world needs and wants really bad is the type of product that obviously must be secretive. You had to have known that when you bought did you not? I have speculated, bought, invested, risked what ever you want to call it and now I am ready for them, at their pace, not mine to let the news out.