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02/09/06 10:02 AM

#749 RE: Land Agent #745

If it is many days or many years,To me the wait will be worth it.I only use a small percentage of my portfolio to play pennys long term and from time to time if I, see a penny stock that i like for the long term I, will buy and hold.I dont recommend someone buy and hold a penny stock long term,cause we all know how these pennys stocks are.But I am more gambler than trader or investor anyways.So I will wait and see what happens here.I may sell 3 years from now or I may sell tomorrow,just have to see how it plays out.
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02/09/06 5:15 PM

#756 RE: Land Agent #745

Land Agent, you sound like a true to form basher? Have you never heard, "if you don't have anything good to say, we don't want to hear it?"

What is it to you if us Longs wish to hold for "Many Years"?

You come out of no where, have no basis for your comment, and actually think you have said something? Have you no IQ?

Are you shorting CTUM?

Personally, I hope so, and heavily! I also hope your computer goes on the fritz the morning of good news!

For your own good,, Land Agent, I advise you to cover your position ASAP, 'cause when ya least expect it....


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Golden Cross

02/09/06 5:46 PM

#757 RE: Land Agent #745

Don't know about that one... "MANY YEARS"... is there a plague or something we don't know about? what side of the business are you referring to?
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02/10/06 2:36 AM

#758 RE: Land Agent #745

The connotations of some malodorous posters is as unmistakable as their signature sarcastic "imho" calling card.
The stench of your posts is similar to landfill gas,but unlike landfill gas,they're worthless and as a result cannot be recycled into a useable energy producing commodity.
No redeeming value whatsoever.