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01/23/14 3:46 PM

#217198 RE: wow_happens28 #217197

the_8th, nah, i don't know what it means, why do you think i asked you if you were serious,
or not .. you are right in saying this is a liberal board, you are dead wrong when you believe ..

"Many here are totally under control of the media brain washers. I have never seen
such a closed minded bunch. And you believe anything they tell you to believe.

we just do not accept your silly conservative meme fallacy that every politician is the same, and others which are ridiculous on the face of them .. in evidence of the first fact there is the fact that people of more political involvement than you (yes, of course, more than me, too) .. yes, people such as ex Republican Judge Carlo R. Key, ex Republican and congressional candidate Jason Thigpen, and GOProud co-founder Jimmy LaSalvia have left the Republican party .. .. for good reasons .. reasons you just cannot appreciate, or reasons you know yet refuse to acknowledge ..

So you are leaving again? .. 3rd time, is it? .. ok .. here are but a few to sit as part of your legacy ..

the_8th, deceitful, disingenuous, or daft, some combination, or all .. which is it? .. arizona, said ..

the_8th, Obamacare, just more of the same? .. so why do conservatives try to destroy it

the_8th, "the media brainwashees'"

the_8th, in case you missed this one

the_8th, in case you missed this one ..

the_8th ~ enough empty talking points .. you have been

add now one more in the one you just replied to ..

UPDATE: the_8th, no, YOU miss the whole picture again

all, i believe without checking now, basically directed at unsubstantiated opinion of yours
.. lol, be happy in your conservative denial swallow .. be happy .. you don't have to come back
again .. lolol .. but if you do .. remember it is your choice .. you are never dragged back by anyone ..

.. don't worry, when you return i will probably have good reason to update the list, again ..

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01/23/14 6:19 PM

#217205 RE: wow_happens28 #217197

the_8th -- that's the last time I'll allow you to post that sort of addled jackass attack on the good folks here -- as if you've demonstrated in any way or sense that you have even the slightest fucking clue about such things (or anything else, for that matter) -- no more of that sort of laughably condescending bullshit, which in fact establishes nobody other than you yourself as a fool (and an abject one at that), from you, not here

by the way, the usage you so patently disingenuously attempted to invoke is "tongue in cheek", numbnuts