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01/22/14 11:51 AM

#16031 RE: MorningLightMountain #16026

The problem is the IRS has gone back and forth on this issue and companies and employees are both trying to get a leg up on each other.

If it's a company supplied phone then the employee should know better than to use it to take pictures of grandma.

Then the IRS said well that employee is probably using the phone X% for personal use so tax him.

Well that didn't fly because employees claimed and some rightfully so they weren't.

So the IRS said screw it give them the phone and the expense is all yours.

The companies turned around and said we'll let you use your phone and pay you $30 a month so we don't have to supply you with a phone.

BTW that is what really screwed RIM since it opened the doors for Apple.

The end result is it's a win for the company since they don't have to supply the phones and keep up with them.

And they are using your phone.