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01/21/14 8:47 PM

#17 RE: TheFinalCD #16

formula for making mucho dinero...

Yea I am a Master Trader or better yet call it.a Suretrader wink & yes 100% legit in the Caribbean just have to find the right play but my last three have dropped wink considerable profits especially while having the ability to play both sides of the trade(s) should I choose that route. It's called sell enough on the way up for a small profit & to cover the cost of the remaining....use the freebies to borrow from your own account for shorting (& cover should you bet wrong but knowing technicals minimizes that risk) if position can't be completely covered on the bid thus allowing the remaining freebies to also be sold should there be a spike in the pps. Actually pretty simple & an accredited wink formula for making mucho dinero. Btw even selling freebies @ 0001 = $profits big smile
Go $MRIB.....bring on the volume,