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01/20/14 10:02 AM

#17682 RE: webber2 #17681

Here it is, am surprise your web broswer doesn't auto translate the text...

They are the ones who have attended lots of meetings with presidential candidates to outline the proposals and actions in a new government. They are also the figures in whom they placed confidence is the candidate for the ideas into votes.

The five candidates leading the polls were surrounded in the last months of 65 professionals from multiple fields or sectors, also known as focal sectors or campaign advisers.

Environment, infrastructure, economy, culture, social and many other topics that frame the daily proposals emanating from that group of people, who include former ministers, academics and consultants.

Then the aspirant to the Presidency of the Republic, many of these advisers are the most visible faces of the campaign, but not necessarily who ultimately assume any ministry or public institution.

For example, economist Francisco de Paula Gutiérrez, president of the Central Bank of Costa Rica, he collaborates Johnny Araya (National Liberation Front) in the economic plan. So do Thelmo Vargas economist Otto Guevara (Libertarian Movement) and Helio Fallas economist with Luis Guillermo Solís (Citizens Action Party).

In the case of the Broad Front, José María Villalta advises on the economic side Luis Paulino Vargas, director of the Center for Research on Culture and Development of Distance Education University (UNED).

A Rodolfo Piza, Party Unity, he supports the former Minister of Finance, Alberto Dent.

They are not the only ones that give criteria in that field, but are leading work teams and new proposals. ( Full list of 65 consultants at the end of this article ).

However, although they have influence on what they say, the first five candidates recognized this newspaper that most of his advisers are not to occupy a ministry or public entity, nor are discarded.

And the ministers? For more than three million Costa Ricans called to vote on February 2, the possibility of knowing in advance who will accompany people in the future president's cabinet is almost nil.

Currently Johnny Araya and Otto Guevara are the ones who have given a few names of potential ministers.

Álvaro Ramos is Guevara's first choice for the Ministry of Security, while Ayales Edgar, who took 1. ° May 2012, continue in Hacienda upon winning Araya.

Even Guevara thinks the presidential candidate Rodolfo Piza as his eventual record for the executive presidency of the Costa Rican Social Security. The Christian Socialist, who headed the organization from 1998-2002, declined the offer and said days ago that he is on the chair in the Chair.

Villalta, Solis and Piza, meanwhile, say they will wait until after the election to reveal the names of his ministers and CEOs, upon winning.

Strategy. Which means that the names of advisors to meet and not those of future ministers?

Political analyst Gustavo Araya, explanation, at least in the present context, has two justifications.

On one hand, she says, candidates prefer not touch "sensitive vibes" in sectors if advertised figures to his cabinet before meeting at the polls.

Second, in the current scenario in which no candidate has safe choice, it is inappropriate to release names of potential ministers if you take into account that having a second round, have alliances between parties with their negotiations.

Asked about it, Araya, Villalta, Solis, Piza and Guevara ensure they already have in their minds of potential ministers names, but offering portfolios and as such the decision to leave after 2 February.

"I'm not sharing the cake before the birthday," he said by way of metaphor candidate Piza.


01/20/14 10:02 AM

#17683 RE: webber2 #17681

Here it is, am surprise your web broswer doesn't auto translate the text...

They are the ones who have attended lots of meetings with presidential candidates to outline the proposals and actions in a new government. They are also the figures in whom they placed confidence is the candidate for the ideas into votes.

The five candidates leading the polls were surrounded in the last months of 65 professionals from multiple fields or sectors, also known as focal sectors or campaign advisers.

Environment, infrastructure, economy, culture, social and many other topics that frame the daily proposals emanating from that group of people, who include former ministers, academics and consultants.

Then the aspirant to the Presidency of the Republic, many of these advisers are the most visible faces of the campaign, but not necessarily who ultimately assume any ministry or public institution.

For example, economist Francisco de Paula Gutiérrez, president of the Central Bank of Costa Rica, he collaborates Johnny Araya (National Liberation Front) in the economic plan. So do Thelmo Vargas economist Otto Guevara (Libertarian Movement) and Helio Fallas economist with Luis Guillermo Solís (Citizens Action Party).

In the case of the Broad Front, José María Villalta advises on the economic side Luis Paulino Vargas, director of the Center for Research on Culture and Development of Distance Education University (UNED).

A Rodolfo Piza, Party Unity, he supports the former Minister of Finance, Alberto Dent.

They are not the only ones that give criteria in that field, but are leading work teams and new proposals. ( Full list of 65 consultants at the end of this article ).

However, although they have influence on what they say, the first five candidates recognized this newspaper that most of his advisers are not to occupy a ministry or public entity, nor are discarded.

And the ministers? For more than three million Costa Ricans called to vote on February 2, the possibility of knowing in advance who will accompany people in the future president's cabinet is almost nil.

Currently Johnny Araya and Otto Guevara are the ones who have given a few names of potential ministers.

Álvaro Ramos is Guevara's first choice for the Ministry of Security, while Ayales Edgar, who took 1. ° May 2012, continue in Hacienda upon winning Araya.

Even Guevara thinks the presidential candidate Rodolfo Piza as his eventual record for the executive presidency of the Costa Rican Social Security. The Christian Socialist, who headed the organization from 1998-2002, declined the offer and said days ago that he is on the chair in the Chair.

Villalta, Solis and Piza, meanwhile, say they will wait until after the election to reveal the names of his ministers and CEOs, upon winning.

Strategy. Which means that the names of advisors to meet and not those of future ministers?

Political analyst Gustavo Araya, explanation, at least in the present context, has two justifications.

On one hand, she says, candidates prefer not touch "sensitive vibes" in sectors if advertised figures to his cabinet before meeting at the polls.

Second, in the current scenario in which no candidate has safe choice, it is inappropriate to release names of potential ministers if you take into account that having a second round, have alliances between parties with their negotiations.

Asked about it, Araya, Villalta, Solis, Piza and Guevara ensure they already have in their minds of potential ministers names, but offering portfolios and as such the decision to leave after 2 February.

"I'm not sharing the cake before the birthday," he said by way of metaphor candidate Piza.