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01/18/14 10:13 AM

#61125 RE: Beth0515 #61120

so the cost of that should be quantified

Priceless...and I truly wish it was Price[Les...s]

I dare anyone to point out another company who can
keep up this sort of charade week after week, year after
year with total impunity.

Yes you can't be making this up.
This is good enough to have a piece of serious music/screenplay composed
written and dedicated to all the history, drama, the antagonists, protagonists,
those who gained along the way, those who lost, those who
suffered the pain and the agony, those who enjoyed the ecstasy, those who
bled, the gamblers, the investors, the leaders, the followers, the knowledgable,
the less than idiot savants, the brilliant ones, the crooks, the honest and hard
working, the dreamers, the fortune hunters, the loyalists, the oppositionists,
the creative, the destructionists, the geologists, the wanna be, the dentists,
the dental hygienists who finally wanted to retire, the air conditioning experts
who love tweeting, the fools who bought, the succors who joined, the sharp
who traded, those who made fortunes, those who are yet waiting to make fortunes,
the refiners who accepted millions of tons of ore, the refiners who had no more
capacity to handle the load, the smelters who keep waiting for the call just as
the Maytag man sitting and waiting for the phone to ring, the lonely, the social
extroverts, the liars, the preachers, the Swedish meat ball, the Canadian vodka
chasers, the good cops who know fraud when they see one, the turn around artists
who generously use our shares to enrich the Chilean reality star, the Miami lawyer,
the Las Vegas sleuth with gratuitous treasure trove of info, the promoters,
cheerleaders, the milly, nilly, willy, silly, Uli.

Just a suggestion from a classical music lover, the Done...Done...Done I think would
make for a great musical phrase, along with script lines such as Next week, this Week,
Money is in the bank, would have signed, wish he signed, will fund next week, the
Dubai saga, Chinese trip, the ADL, LDM, Ciclone, El Pollo Loco and a long list of
other great mining properties that should be included in the background/scenery. And
could I almost forget Dennis the menace from SLC.

I apologize most profusely to those whom I have missed. I assure you nothing
intentional. Please feel free to add/edit. Who knows, next year this screenplay
could receive the nomination for the longest running ...... (fill in the blank)on the planet.

Anyone care to explain how JJ who would not settle for less than Billions in previous
negotiations settled for a pittance? I mean just a lousy $35M dollars worth of worthless
stock is all it took for him to move over and allow the SLC wanna be miner take over
the helm. Well, as I said, you can't make up this stuff. It is truly an epic Hollywood
product in the making. Here's to the next Oscar nomination.

Please also note this disclaimer...Nothing mentioned or noted above should be taken
as a disparaging statement. Please disabuse yourself from such a thought.