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01/17/14 8:30 AM

#13930 RE: rosen62 #13927

Millstein's plan is being followed sharp guy

And, Congress doesn't make this stuff up.

Actually, the FMIC idea was circulated a YEAR before Millstein by MBA (Mortgage Bankers Assn)

FMIC is the tweak - making the guarantee explicit - for all - not just FnF. We just need them to stop talking "slit their throats" in 3, 5, or 7 years and let them compete in the marketplace.

Yesterday's Bill, by 3 Dems from the House has about zero chance of passage (like Capuano's 5% one-page Bill which got zero press exposure). Still, the winds are changing and the juices are flowing as they conjure up new plans for reform.

Even if this plan is not accepted, it certainly stalls kill-off plans and muddies the waters for a while. It may even cause enough protracted discussion to delay ANY Bill from coming forward.

Cue the BeeGees "Stayin' Alive, ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive".

As longs as they are alive, they gain value, day-by-day.