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01/16/14 10:17 PM

#7650 RE: Westify #7642

Nice post. I am not a member of this HTFBS, so I can't speak for what is being shared in it. I will offer a tip. If you are not familiar with the Bowser Report, you should check it out. It is great for the small investor. It has been around for 40 years. Many smallcap investors cut their teeth on this little monthly newsletter. I have done quite well on some of their recommendations, especially lately on LBMH.


01/16/14 11:51 PM

#7659 RE: Westify #7642

Best post of the week West!


01/17/14 1:00 AM

#7664 RE: Westify #7642

Thoughtful post and conclusion, Westify.
I believe all in good time...

(I also appreciate your original and well suited analogy).


01/17/14 4:27 AM

#7665 RE: Westify #7642

Here's the reality:

The how to find big stocks guys (and thereafter message board disciples) played a big part in building that expectation, not Steve Vestergaard. At no point did Steve Vestergaard intimate he expected shareprice movement after release.

We started highlighting DSNY over 2 years ago at .35 We recognized the potential for a cross platform playerless media and have tried out line the market potential. Through all of the delays and missed deadlines we continued to paint the Big picture for the company and the technology.

We have ALSO noted the extremely bullish statements made by management on various earning and investor conference calls. If you are a subscriber, you would see how detailed we are in conveying management's numerous direct quotes.

Expectation that release would be a price catalyst was grossly wrong. A lot of hot money moved in to the stock on expectation of release being a catalyst.

Agree to disagree. Yes money moved into the stock on the official launch but it wasnt institutional money. THAT was, and still is, our concern.

Because stock was quite tightly held at that stage we peaked out quite high in the build up to release. Once release failed to be a catalyst, the hot money left and the stock dropped back.

Why has it given back almost 50% from the launch date?
Institutional money was not there (and still isnt) to support the "hot money" selling. Institutional money is SMART MONEY and we want to know why they arent buying now that the product has officially launched.

Rather than acknowledge their mistake, HTFBS and people on this board want ot chastise Steve for the share price not being 5 dollars + by now. In other words, people (including HTFBS) want to blame destiny for their poor predictions rather than accept that they made a wrong call.

WRONG. We would hardly call our detailed analysis a "poor prediction" or a "mistake". Starting in September we started noting the disconnect between what management was saying and what was actually happening. We do think the company needs to bring in new management (or at least a top notch sales guy). The constructive message posts from very long term investors reiterating their lack of trust are proof. Steve is a brilliant guy but there are engineers and there are salesman. Engineers create the product, salesman sell it.

We saw the growing skepticism (by investors, funds and companies) for the company's ability to execute.

HTFBS are worried about their reputation.

HARDLY. We are not compensated by any of the companies we highlight so we can offer an honest opinion and we always will. We ddidnt expect licensing deals the day after the launch, we expected institutional money and more media exposure.

We have received numerous emails and private messages agreeing with our sentiment.
Yes we think the toolkit DSNY has could be very valuable but we dont think the tools are being monetized properly, or at least timely. Silicon Valley is filled with VC money looking for a better mousetrap. The longer it takes to gain traction the more time that VC money is working.

It used to be the big ate the small but in this new Internet age the fast eat the slow. DSNY needs a much quicker adoption before competition eats them. The company is going at it with a bottoms up approach when most would agree that a tops down approach would provide a much quicker solution.

Run do not walk

01/17/14 8:47 AM

#7678 RE: Westify #7642

Investors want to make themselves feel better. HTFBS are worried about their reputation. That's a terrible thing to say especially about HTFBS! I've done quite well because of HTFBS during 2013 so even though I've been disappointed when the sentiment has turned sour on a couple of picks that's life and my losses were very modest because I've followed HTFBS. Posters like me you can bash... but not HTFBS...not without getting strong disagreement from me. Good luck all.


01/17/14 10:05 AM

#7687 RE: Westify #7642

I have not been around long enough to really, really understand the dynamics and the sequence of events and to be sure what anybody's is saying is accurate.

But what you are saying sounds the most credible. A lot of smoke was blown up our derrières by the disciples of HTFBS and related people on this board. You are right, they should simply accept the blame for their bad call... It is not so much that Steve is overpromising and under delivering, it is really much more about them over pumping at already high stock valuations. Reality came in and they don't want to accept that they overstated the case and twisted reality and now Reality is twisting back.

Right, a lot of hot money left. A lot of these disciples also took money off the table and now only hold core positions – probably means less than 50% of their original holdings. They pumped; they dumped. I know that wasn't their original intention most of them, but they did what they had to do, what was best for business. No apologies from them for overstating the case… are you dreaming? (And I'm not referring to you 'Westify'). They know who they are.