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01/16/14 6:30 AM

#126925 RE: charger #126924

Charger, you remind me a lot of a guy who visited our board here a while back named Max. He came along and claimed basically that no one else on this board had things figured out but he did and he didn't mind boasting about it...along with being just downright arrogant and rude. He seemed to delight in taking digs at everyone on the board here and belittling them whenever he felt like it.

The snide little comments you keep making about this board and the people here aren't welcome...period. I'm glad you've found your "new and brilliant" indicator and are doing well with it. If you would like to share your insight about your method, that's great. We welcome your input. If you want to go start your own board, by all means do so. We welcome everyone here because we've fostered an environment where we can share with everyone and help teach those who may be new to Forex. We also like to learn from everyone, whether we ultimately embrace their way of trading or not. And we do it without putting folks down like you do, whether they're a result of your "drunken" outbursts, as you claim, or not.

This board stands out head and shoulders above the majority of boards on IHUB or anywhere else because we don't stoop to arguing back and forth and making smart little comments about everyone. SimpleGreen has taken a long time and put a lot of effort into putting together an outstanding board here and I think you'll find that those who are here will agree with me.

Bottom line...tone it down or move on.


01/16/14 8:23 AM

#126939 RE: charger #126924

what'z up charger you ole coot
been a while
hope you learned something about trading since I last saw
