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01/15/14 11:25 PM

#863 RE: upshegrows #862


You can spout as much as you want about what is or was said. From the very onset, you have attacked me personally, attacked my intelligence, name called (to be honest, you sounded like an immature high schooler), and have questioned anything and everything I has said or provided.

Now you can spout as much as you like about dilution, that doesnt mean it is a bad investment necessarily. A good investment is one that you buy low, sell high. So, if I buy Alterrus at 0.04 cents a share, and sell them at $1 a share, no matter if there was a dilution, it is a good investment (depending on time obviously). Obviously if I wait 50 years for that growth, well then it isnt a good investment. But if in 5 - 10 years, the stock jumps to $1 to $5 a share, from 0.04, well then, in many eyes, that is a good investment.

And what I was saying all along was that, if their business model can show a profit, and I believe they can in Vancouver, and can considerably increase that profit with more units in more cities, then even with the dilution, I think that their stock at 0.04 or 0.05 or even at 0.09 cents a share is oversold, and well under valued, even with the dilution. It is a stock that has high risk, but high reward. And as I said before, I think it is overly cheap, as I said before. With only $1.5 million in profit, they would have $0.01 a share, with the dilution, meaning it would have a PE of 100 at $1, or a PE of 50 @ $0.50 (that's a 10 fold increase).

And with the numbers I crunched, and the amount of customer base that they have, and the fact that they see demand for 4 - 5 systems in Vancouver alone, I think $1.5 million profit would easily be achieved, even with loans of 500K per unit. Again, I never said that they had amazing revenues, just that they doubled revenue, and I believe they will or would have (if not for the tray breakage), continued to grow revenue.

This argument is a vicious circle. We disagree, and I am not some paid author from a investor blogging site working for Alterrus, or any company for that matter. Just trying to give insight to the potential of a company.

And on a final note, WHY WOULD YOU BUY STOCK IN A COMPANY THAT HAS MADE SUCH HORRIBLE DECISIONS DILUTING THEIR SHARES? Seriously, if you do not believe they can achieve profitability atleast in the short term, why would you have even bought shares. Why not wait until you think they could start being profitable, and let them dilute the shares down? I mean you arent even following your own advice! Who is the bad investor?

terry hallinan

01/16/14 12:12 AM

#864 RE: upshegrows #862

A true tour de force, upshegrows.

I have only a vague memory of an auditing class taught by a longtime practicing auditor. It is a most unpleasant, lonely job with more pitfalls than a volcanic field of mudpots. But the auditor was only conditioned to look for embezzlement, theft, and misuse of corporate funds in whatever form. A raid on the treasury through options is probably more pervasive but I have never had the subtlety you found displayed so nakedly.

Thank you for the lesson.

The grimmest message could be that the management has abandoned hope of dealing with the mess. I have had stock in more than one struggling company where the founder or CEO's checkbook kept the company alive. When the checkbook was closed, the end was rapid.

Will be watching.

Best, Terry

The Only Way is UP

01/27/14 10:37 AM

#890 RE: upshegrows #862

Well all the Management in the UK was promised shares but Valcent never delivered. S.Fane came in and took all the credit for the work the UK team did then effectively told us to leave.
We was not needed as it was marketing that would lead the company forward.