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04/29/03 5:45 PM

#182 RE: kgoodrich #179


Ahhh, I see... As you may have noticed I was taking the Oct 31st close instead of the Nov 1st open as mentioned by alfalogic in post#181(thanks Alfa), but now I see that you do it differently. It seems either way gets you to the same place, I was just using the wrong #'s as I had figured I was doing and wanted to know the base #'s or strategy being used to arrive at those #'s. Thanks for clearing that up for me...

Since you asked, how about you do your thing with JNJ or have you done this one before? Some other DOW 30's may prove to be interesting like C, MO, EK, XOM, HD, SBC, WMT, MRK, etc. (plus you get a dividend on the side while doing the revolving quarterly). Thanks again...