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learning curve

01/13/14 7:43 PM

#80 RE: starbuxsux #78

True....but running some paper ads in major metropolitans "short Hilton" or something like "have you or someone you know been effected by Hilton greed - we are looking to build a major team and pr event to thwart the actions of mamagemet and it's effects on Hilton workforce and the american economy"

.....I believe that the amount of people to be effected by this will be much larger than most can fathom...


03/21/20 6:44 PM

#95 RE: starbuxsux #78

Good Morning Mr. Ackman,

On March 18th I listened to your CNBC interview.

Afterwards I followed comments on Twitter. About one in ten said, “you are right.” The other nine suggested you were over the top, tried to portray yourself an a virus expert, needlessly freaking out the general public, tried to create a market reaction that would benefit you financially. Absolutely no discussion involving the crisis itself!

I was flabbergasted. This morning I am listening to municipal media events from California, New York. The message was clear. We are in a heightened state of EMERGENCY!

3 short days later, after your interview, and I would be shocked to read of anyone who still thinks you were overblown. Wow!!

Speaking of shocked. How about the white house reaction? So far, no dice!

Thank you and keep it up. Somebody had to sound the alarm! No sugar coating!!

Be well,

Individual Investor