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01/12/14 3:41 PM

#661 RE: altruism #660 Kiplinger for 2-3yrs when I started out in 2000…….good stuff

hey, conveniently forgot to mention the ASS handing I got on TDEY…bout a cupla months back...…was a basic weekly FLIP for me, got stuck in it….so not big bucks at risk, but lost 35 % of my initial because I felt I didn't need the loss stop

the MJ stock sector was a predictable run, made the loss back………we get those gifts once a Q…..

watch the Washington state play coming soon..need to DD some specific WA based MJ stocks

I'm on trade 16 in the M game, still patiently waiting for EACH and every trade in that scenario, and I plan to "buy" my way up with some cash infusion as my "secret trading box" gets better……so much I learn with every little scam red flag…….or every little indicator dysfunction……each diamond has the flaw, and the 10-20% rule is the BEST way to win this