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01/21/14 8:36 AM

#329 RE: Pure_Greatness #328

Hmmm something brewing here? LYG


07/21/16 6:42 AM

#347 RE: Pure_Greatness #328

$CGRA Bond & Lloyds of London

Lloyds is the company that is the Underwriter for the Bond for CGRA, through its wholly-owned subsidiary CGrowth Capital Bond, Ltd.. On page 17 of the bond link below, it says… The bond issuer is insured under a variety of policies provided by underwriters at Lloyds:

It also states below on page 17… The bond issuer intends to maintain sufficient cover until maturity of all bonds to protect its obligations. …The bond issuer intends to increase cover level from time to time commensurate with its levels of obligation. …At the present date and exchange rate cover is ample for the bond issuers obligations.