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01/10/14 3:35 PM

#45324 RE: pcanellis #45318

What type of management does not release something after they plummet almost 50% from their top... at least something/anything to refute an article that says they may not even be trading (worse case scenario)... I really expected more... even if it wasn't something to refute the article, maybe give us a taste of the GIFT CONTRACTS that were PROMISED before JAN 1.

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01/10/14 3:56 PM

#45337 RE: pcanellis #45318

I agree, and I am long from way back. IMO, there is no excuse for not communicating with the shareholders 10 days into a new year when there are so many pokers in the fire. Were this a boring divi stock, I can see everybody falling asleep. IMO, again, though, I feel PHOT is asleep at the switch in not letting the shareholders know what the situation is.

We want to share in the excitement. PHOT, itself, caused the disruptive situation we find ourselves in. For me, some of the luster is gone from my image of PHOT. I remain LONG, but I am more wary now than I ever felt I needed to be with the company. There was no need to cause me to feel this way. I understand (somewhat), the technical aspects and the exterior fundamental influences, but PHOT, itself, is culpable in not defraying the extreme volatility we just went (and are still) through.

My impression of PHOT was that it was a company that wanted to dissuade players and traders. Apparently, that is not to be the case. I hope I am proved wrong - but it is going to take quite a bit, at this point, to regain my sense of following. I, as a shareholder, feel slighted that we have not been kept up-to-date, given the situation and all the fast-moving components therewithin.

I remain LONG but not quite as STRONG

~~ PHOT ~~