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01/10/14 4:09 PM

#42 RE: sanbrunobaby #41

Thanks for the detailed post. First for the record, I did not intend this board to be about sub .05 stocks. I agree under .05 is BVRY dangerous to be shorting.

AWSL was not SEC reporting. They issued the dividend to squeeze the shorts as they were under heavy attack. How do I know it was naked shorting? 8 months of RegSho compliance alerts. 1 day alone there was over 1 million shares shorted. They were short more than the float. We did find out that shareholders once they demanded that there stock not be lent out and some even took certificate delivery, it took more than 4 months to get the cert.

I remember Tim Sykes putting out news about how the restricted stock dividend was cause for the stock run up again. The well known short manipulators at thestreetsweeper also complained about it. They then attacked the company with articles of innuendoes but no real facts, but masses get manipulated easily by media, images and that sort of writing.

I know of a company that is about to do some massive awareness. If the short games start as I am sure they will, I will see if I can get them to try to Cusip trick. I will keep you posted.