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Jimmy Joe

02/04/06 11:55 PM

#29104 RE: Jimmy Joe #29100

Addendum to the end of my post.
May Aesculapius take a liking to this technology for the better of mankind and the betterment of my wallet. (big smile)



02/05/06 1:18 AM

#29105 RE: Jimmy Joe #29100

Hey Jimmy Joe,
Thanks a lot for that post, no hard feelings. Like I said, I forgive ya.

I think I would also side with you as a more of a Rainbow warrior type of guy. This company has survived for going on 11 years now, so management must be doing something right. Sure they make mistakes sometimes, but hey, they are human. What matters is if they can perform in the long run… and from the looks of it, I'm betting they will.

I will head your advice about not investing beyond my means… many times I have been tempted to put more into CYGX, but I refrained because I know that I need to responsibly manage my money.

Anyway, peace jimmy joe. If I ever start pumping or bashing or doing anything inappropriate on this board, call me out on it. I'm not afraid of confrontation, and I want to be held accountable.



02/05/06 2:44 AM

#29107 RE: Jimmy Joe #29100

JJ Bringing up the failings of this company is not the same thing as wanting the company to fail – in fact it usually comes from a strong desire to want to see it to reach its potential.

So while you said “[there are] those that would love to see this management fail and the company go bye bye for one reason or another.” It might be more accurate to say “there are those who would like to see management go bye bye so that the company would not fail."

And on that note, I’ll go hide behind some bullet proof glass somewhere.


02/05/06 11:32 AM

#29112 RE: Jimmy Joe #29100

Jimmy Joe:

OT: Stop, You're spoiling my CYGX IHub primer that I'm preparing for fearfrost. LOL. I might just release it in several parts, a la Star Wars or Harry Potter. Maybe the first chapter will be titled:

"Cytogenix and the curse of the Cryogenics Solutions Srike Back"

Take Care,