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01/07/14 7:37 PM

#216480 RE: wow_happens28 #216479

You knock my example with a comparable example of a smaller country.

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!! Probably the dumbest thing I've ever read!

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01/07/14 7:42 PM

#216481 RE: wow_happens28 #216479

Worst heatwave ever in Argentina leaves seven people dead

An exceptionally hot week caused the death of vulnerable people in Argentina and left the country’s capital Buenos Aires without power for days, as temperatures hit 45C in some regions.

At least seven people were reported to have died following the worst heatwave ever to hit the Latin American country.
The Argentinean government declared a state of emergency last week, as temperatures around the northern locality of Santiago del Estero reached an almost unbearable 45C.

Victims were mostly elderly who were left unable to use air conditioning. Hundreds more people have sought medical advice.
Power cuts also created some issues for residents and businesses, as they experienced a lack of electricity for more than two weeks.
People took the streets to protest against the energy blackout, burning rubbish bags and tyres and assaulting trucks belonging to the energy company Edesur.

The government has blamed energy companies for the power cuts, saying they failed to sufficiently upgrade the country’s electricity grid.

However, the companies argued that the problems arose from the transmission system being old and degraded, which can cause overloads and a collapse of electricity connections. Industry has called for fresh investment to improve the energy system.

Buenos Aires mayor Mauricio Macri told the BBC, “The main responsibility is with the federal government. The government must make sure there is an investment programme, which has not happened in the last decade.”

As Argentina welcomes the new year with hot temperatures, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology has revealed that 2013 was the hottest year on record for the country, with annual mean temperatures having been 1.2C above average nationally.
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01/08/14 4:46 AM

#216505 RE: wow_happens28 #216479

the_8th, deceitful, disingenuous, or daft, some combination, or all .. which is it? .. arizona, said ..

"You do realize that the United States is just a small part of the entire planet,
don't you? It's really mind numbing how absolutely moronic teabaggers are."

to that you said ..

"OMG Arizona--I realize that North America is a BIGGER part of the world that Australia. You just
debated your self and lost. You knock my example with a comparable example of a smaller country."

YOU totally misrepresented, arizona's point which was that global warming (or, climate change), and human's contribution to it, must always be looked at from a global perspective .. to me, in putting Australia there against your meaningless garbage on Gore, and against your John Birch Society magazine New American article, (lol, so you appreciate the John Birch Society, too .. that's nice to know) arizona, was reminding you that in noting extremes, which have been the prediction of global warming scientists from the start, you should be looking at the whole world .. plus, she said nothing about the relative size of the U.S.A and Australia, let alone of Australia and North America, so how the hell can that be part of your rebuttal, as silly as it is .. that said, why did you change her United States to North America? .. maybe you just weren't sure if the U.S was bigger than Australia ..

then this reply of yours ..

"Arizona So if the US is cold that does not matter because the US is just part of the world..

But Austrailia does matter even though it is also part of the same world, and smaller? Scotty, Beam me up!!" .. is just more of your, yes, moronic vein ..

did you know even pro lifers .. .. are against your pro big business types of critics ..

lol .. the John Birch Society and James Taylor .. .. you don't have to be beamed up ..