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01/07/14 3:29 PM

#216456 RE: rooster #216455

"I guess this was due to global warming from horse farts!"

Not sure about the horse farts, but yes dear... and if you had any sources of information besides Faux you'd understand that dynamic.

After all it's kind of a zero sum game. The cold air normally centered around the pole has peen pushed this way instead. The arctic on the other hand is warmer for that.

California is experiencing record heat... The jet stream has been dislodged from its customary moorings

The storms in Europe are the result of a persistent pattern that has seen the jet stream parked near the United Kingdom and Ireland, which has brought a train of storm systems over the British Isles. This is the same jet stream, of course, that has plunged deep into the southern portions of the United States. So, the jet stream has been "stuck" in a position that is allowing cold Arctic air to spill into much of the United States and Canada. But it is in a position that is bringing warmer, moist air from the Atlantic over Northwest Europe, resulting in the stormy conditions.

Yes you read that right... at least you could have, had you been able to read and comprehend above the 2nd grade level required of you in LA. The warm air and cold air are being displaced and distorted. It's colder in one place and warmer in others.

Let me try this in words you might be able to understand you silly f'king coon assed troll. What you see outside your window isn't the world. It's your yard. The world is actually a considerably larger place.