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01/07/14 12:11 AM

#40643 RE: Charlie3274 #40641

Let's re-focus. Hop-on is well beyond more than a bit shady. The truth is Peter Michaels is a slime ball who is lower than low.

The guy is a 2-time convicted FELON who last plead guilty to a real crime. He was also charged with Felony Child Abuse. That alone tells you he is scum.

Can you imagine being his family? I'd be super embarrassed if I were his kid, and would hate the fact that he was my father. The wife must just go along for the ride trying to save face. After all, she knowingly married a felon and then reality must have set in. Well, too bad! That's what greed gets you! Now she "Hops" from house to house, staying one step ahead of the creditors! "Hop-on, Hop-out"! LMFAO! HAHAHAHAHA

I wonder where the next family shin dig will be thrown trying to impress knowing family and unknowing friends? Certainly not in a million dollar mansion that was squatted upon I hope!

It must be a shame to not have a thing in their name after all these years! It was all pissed away and now Michaels is exposed! How sad! HAHAHAHAHA Let's take a picture of that and post it!

The case in point with "Michaels the Felon" and "Hop-on" is that they are one in the same. A total SCAM. Michaels steals money for a living! He should be locked up and the key should be thrown away!

Hop-on, Hop-off! or is it Hop-out? hahahaha

Hop a Good Night!

More to come tomorrow!
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Frayed Knot

01/07/14 9:17 AM

#40644 RE: Charlie3274 #40641

So it looks like you agree that HPNN and Peter Michaels is a "bit shady" since you say "a bit shady themselves". Excellent, sounds like you are doing research. I include Peter Michaels because he is the only person listed in the annual report as an officer, so he would have to be included in the "bit shady" right? No one else is in the company.

It also sounds like you agree that HPNN isn't making money nor have they ever, right? I haven't read the report for the other company, so are you saying that have stated that they make unauthorized charges? If not, how do you know?