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01/06/14 9:41 AM

#14051 RE: Tinkerer #14049

Why are you so amazed about announcing Dec results on January 6th?
When would be the best time to give the results in your opinion?

Bruce the Stock Guy

01/06/14 9:43 AM

#14052 RE: Tinkerer #14049

Don't load up until the bottom. <<<<SCRC..Very difficult to know where an exact bottom is..Scale in-scale out!


01/06/14 9:46 AM

#14053 RE: Tinkerer #14049

Looks like the bid hitting continues.

Scrips collects Gross Profit from this joint venture, which they don't report. They only pr'ed the orders received and processed (gross revenue).

Will be interesting to see what is actually recognized on the 10K. I am betting not much.


01/06/14 10:39 AM

#14057 RE: Tinkerer #14049

Why amazed, this is exactly what's expected?? Promoters are coordinating well with the company.

"I am amazed at the timing of announcements. 1.6 million shares are unlocked today and tomorrow, and another huge round of shares unlocks early next week."



01/06/14 6:39 PM

#14087 RE: Tinkerer #14049

1.6 million shares are unlocked today and tomorrow

Actually, nothing was scheduled to unlock today. You are off by a day.

Approx 1,400,000 free restricted shares belonging to various members of the Core and other paid promoters are scheduled to be unlocked tomorrow, TUE, 1/7, with another approx 1,200,000 free restricted shares belonging to some of the same as well as additional members of the Core and other paid promoters scheduled to unlock a few days later on 1/11.

Considering that there are 14 individuals/entities involved, my guess is that it will likely take several days after each unlocking for the full allottment to hit the float due to the varying times it may take for the certs to be presented and cleared. This may be a good thing as it may spread the dilution out instead of having all of it hit market the same day.

Granted, no one knows for sure who will sell and how much and how disciplined any selling may be, but all we as investors have to use as a guidepost is how these same paid promoters behaved and the resulting sp reaction the first two times tranches unlocked back on 11/1 and 12/6. So it is definitely something to be mindful of beginning tomorrow.

That being said, considering all the dilution info is clearly mapped out in the Q's, it was very encouraging to see the market action today, especially towards the end of the day. As far as I'm concerned, the sp closed EOD at .13. I believe Guts had observed that small block trade for .12 that bore the hallmarks of a paint job (hey, paint jobs go both ways, and I call 'em as I see 'em).

If we are fortunate enough to get to .14-.15 w/o getting beaten down from this upcoming dilution, I think that will be the real test because that price level will represent what typically is an irresistible selling point for traders and flippers who may have bought in anywhere between .09-.11. If we don't see a lot of profit-taking or if we see enough new buying interest that can absorb any profit-taking, then that will be a critical bullish indicator for us.

But as with any dilutive event, investors should still tread with caution and let the market guide you. Be observant of price action and trends. IMO, this particular unlocking tomorrow and on 1/11 is uniquely different than the prior two unlockings due to the sheer volume of players involved. Will they all have the same game plan? Will they all have the same price targets? Will they all exhibit similar discipline or lack thereof? Do they all have an immediate desire and motivation to cash out ASAP? If so, then this will be akin to a rush to the exits and great bargains can be had for savvy investors. But I suspect that all these various individuals/entities will have their own unique game plans and that it will end up being a combination of all these factors -- and because of this, logic dictates that there may exist a potential wild card for us that we didn't have before, and that is the possibility that the dilution may be spread out more evenly over the upcoming days/weeks, which can give even modest buying interest the opportunity to absorb them w/moderate pain to the sp (as opposed to having all the dilution dumped in a small window of time, which is more likely to result in a cratering of the sp).

But again, no one has a crystal ball. All we know is that dilution is scheduled to add to the float beginning tomorrow, 1/7, so we just need to be vigilant and nimble.

GLTU and GLTA...