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01/05/14 12:31 PM

#138421 RE: gc2 #138417

Research & Development. That is ONE of the newer
offices I have NOT inspected myself. I posted some
shareholder accounts from the (at least) four people
I read had visited.

My DD shows they are located near quality programming
resources. It would make sense for NanoTech to have
programming (Websites, Graphic Arts, Promotional
mocks, designs, etc.) come from there. Why? Labor
would be far less expensive. I also KNOW that Phil
Foley has worked with the team: Alan Stone (BOD,
Ninetendo & Sega, etc), "LX" Rudis, David Foley...
there are MANY examples of them having worked
together including CREDITS on games for Nintendo,
Sega, etc..

So, I would consider them a TECH EXTENSION of whatever
Silicon Valley HQ wants/needs to get done that is
related to IPTV Media Programming (Roku, IPTV Channels;
getting NEWER IPTV Channels like "VODwiz", "Fun Little
Movies", "MGE", "NanoClassics" & MORE ready for OTHER
handheld devices, tablets, brands, platforms, etc),
Communications, etc.. Keep in mind, Phil Foley has
been working on the Mobile Apps to my knowledge...
& he has been listed as VP (I believe) of Communications.

BUT, this is ALL MY Research drawing SPECULATIVE
CONCLUSIONS (I want to be CLEAR about that). The
NEW facilities I have NOT INSPECTED personally &
so I am NOT speaking from first-hand experience.

I would check my posting'll see my
posts about "3rd party & shareholder visitations"
or somesuch...or wait for it...I'll likely post
it again at some point.

The NTEK board has grown from under 200 BoardMarks
sometime last year to nearly 1200. New people are
stopping BY EVERY DAY,.....& some are interested
enough to MARK THE BOARD. So, I try to keep posting
info to HELP FOLKS along in their DD. (Thats nearly
3 people MARKING the board per day, everyday, thus
far so...).

Anyway, I hope that helped.


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01/05/14 2:36 PM

#138474 RE: gc2 #138417

gc2, the Boston office (located about 30 min. from Beantown in East Bridgewater, MA) is headed up by Senior Vice President/Media Division Phil Foley (no relation to Jeff & David). Much of the activity there involves R&D on future NTEK products and upgrades to current products, including, but not limited to mobile apps, 4K content and editing, and the Nuvola line.

I touch base with Phil about every two or three weeks, have since Sept. when a fellow NTEKer and I visited the office (check out my Sept posts). He always takes the time to get back to me, often reporting exciting news for NTEK's future.

The location and the pool of young talent that the location provides makes this office a key link to the future success of NTEK. I'm sure they will outgrow their current space as the company grows, making more opportunities for the best and brightest. If you are planning a visit -- do just that: plan it. Contact Lorraine at to request a visit. They are far too busy for a "pop-in."

BTW -- I can't agree with you more gc2: Where would we be without Niko?! He has, and continues to do yeoman's work here. He never seeks praise, he simply continues to do the work. His reward will be when NTEK matures into a healthy, growing, stable company, which it has already begun to do. I'm so glad I'm along for the ride!

Go NTEK! Go Long! Go NTEK and Prosper!