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01/02/14 6:31 PM

#55065 RE: Man6677 #55061

''Man6677'', thanks for the news flash!

But yet still, given the staggering amount of monies already "Given Away" to this company by their shareholders(wink!) over the years only to result in the current BID.0001/ASK.0002 as being all they have to show for it, is mind boggling when wondering what the hell happen to all that vested capital (Free Funding) they received and have yet to officially bring their products to market, for which such fundings was intended to help them do!

Right now, there are companies developing a new breed of green engines where "Hydrogen" is among the selected fuel sources!

This Company devised a "supposedly" cost effective and more efficient way of producing hydrogen (ON SITE), which is otherwise traditionally expensive to produce in a factory and their stock yet trades at fractions of a penny per share?

This company practically holds the key to a whole new set of rules to turn over a green engine and they sit silent and tanked?
Did they get their bluff called?

That's when you know something isn't passing the sniff test!

On a very very bad trading day, this company should be trading at about $10/share! and that's being generous!

There's absolutely NO WAY this company should be trading at these prices unless they're either LYING through their teethes or have stumbled upon a concept that challenges the monopoly of present day OIL/GAS tycoons who can covertly ordered (Threat) this company to cease and desist!

Remember the guy that invented a pellet that when dropped in water produces the equivalent of gasoline?
How he got Bought out, via threats, by the then Gas Tycoons who took the patents, shelved it and the inventor "Went Missing"

But then on the other hand, it all may very well be a scam!
They may actually have a working product but that doesn't mean they intend to really DO anything with it.
Just another tool shed tinker job.

AFPW may be just a portal for pumping shares which fatten their wallets and this unit they've been displaying is just a carrot!

All while anyone who Gives Them Money, in the form of buying their shares,(wink!), may unknowingly never really achieve (or receive for their investment) anything more than just that!
(as it currently seems, wink!)

But to insure no profit taking off the insider's bottom-line already inflated by monies from their shareholders,(wink-wink!) they pull the typical Pink RS stunt to wipe out the positions of as many would-be-profit-taking-flippers (shareholders) as possible.

Fact is, they're long over due for showing their shareholders what they've SOLD THEIR SHARES TO THEM for!

But like a typical pink, it's more lucrative to take the money and run!
silently of course.

So if this company really want to redeem themselves,