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01/02/14 12:45 AM

#13844 RE: Alleyba1 #13823

Alleyba says...............

...........that in his opinion shares unlocking will not be sold but we shall see if your opinion is correct.

As I stated in my prior reply to you, my opinion is based on facts. In particular, the fact that ~1,500,000 shares belonging to various members of the Core (with the bulk of them actually belonging to the Core's leader himself) unlocked in two tranches beginning on 11/1/13 and 12/6/13, and in the days immediately following, the sp tanked 50% each time (from .30 to .13, and then again from .20 to .10), with the tape providing undisputable evidence that these shares were being mercilessly dumped into the market via mass liquidation.

Given this historical fact, I had asked you the first time you tossed out your "opinion" to explain the basis for your opinion in light of the facts evidenced by the tape. You have danced around this question and replied by repeating the same opinion yet again.

So I ask yet again, what is the basis for your opinion that the remaining 4,000,000+ shares pertaining to the Core and other paid promoters won't be dumped into the market if they belong to the SAME individuals who dumped during each of the first two previous unlocking periods?

And remember, there are still over 11,000,000 more restricted shares that are scheduled to unlock beginning the current period and onward into both the near and mid-term future that relate to other parties in addition to the paid promoters (and these are just for the shares that were disclosed in the 2nd and 3rd Qtr Q's -- I'm not even counting any restricted shares doled out from the 1st Qtr or the current 4th Qtr). If 1,500,000 shares cratered the sp down 50% TWICE in a 6-week period, I don't even want to think about what these 11,000,000 shares can do.

Alleyba says...............

My point about the cost of drugs was to illustrate that there is potentially a large domestic market here. As to foreign market that was just a comparison....

No. That was most definitely NOT your point. Now you are simply trying to make us believe that you didn't just step in your own doo-doo. You were quite explicitly clear in trying to tout the mythical pot of gold at the end of the overseas rainbow, just like all the other members of the Core. Let me refresh your memory on your exact words:

"As an example if I complain at the pharmacy about my paying $50 for a prescription refill my pharmacist tells me that same drug cost $1 to refill in india, so if one does not think the potential overseas is very lucrative then that person is missing the picture. THIS STOCK IS POISED AND POSITIONING ITSELF TO MAKE MILLIONS"

This is yet another example of how paid promoters like the Core and the others disclosed in SCRC's Q's will say anything to highlight even the bright side of a dumpster fire. This is why the SEC plays such an integral role by requiring that SCRC disclose the exact same information in the exact same way using the exact same definitions as all other publicly traded companies. If the Q's nd K's had anything positive to say at all about SCRC, the Core and the other paid promoters would latch onto it as they know it is irrefutable. But they don't. They dismiss the Q's (even the most recent one) as being "outdated and stale", and wave off the horrid capital structure as "no big deal" -- but yet, still point to nothing but fluff PR's and a never-ending stream of forward-looking statements and "forecasts" to substantiate their "DD".