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01/01/14 11:51 AM

#12309 RE: Dimitrios George #12306

Well at this point with a Vitaros launch about to become reality in Europe if not canada also I suspect a big bump coming in PPS.
I also suspect a real need for Europe to allow an abbreviated Femprox phase III since Vitaros and Femprox use the same ingredients so women could be trying men's VItaros on themselves.
This would not only add significantly to a boost of Vitaros sales but creates a real need for Europe to do some quick fact finding starting with an abbreviated femprox p. III.
Watch and see this occurs.
As for hoping that pascoe can deliver? At this point a 5 year old could effectively run this company with product licensed and about to launch while the ex Wyeth Europe CEO already states, "Vitaros is a blockbuster" and he has thoroughly tested the product before the licensing deal for France.
I bet he tested it on women also since he deals mostly in the female arena.
So as long as management does not get in the way of Vitaros being shipped all over to Big pharm partners we should be fine.
However I still say that APRI should allow big pharm to make it themselves so instead of relying on sophisticated drug tracking sales to pharmacy and hospital data as most drug companies who license to Big pharm do. Other licensors do not supply their partners with the drug.
This brain child is another Damaj production to maintain control and in Lostcoast's own words: Damaj= Eli Manning not Peyton.