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04/27/03 1:12 AM

#23202 RE: 0nceinalifetime #23183


I'm going to do this in a step-by-step, follow the numbers kind of thing. Maybe you'll grasp it. Actually, I know you grasp it. For some reason, you won't rectify the situation. It's become a heated public debate that you weren't expecting, I suppose. Here goes:

1. Jim decided to create a list to send out reports on. It was obvious this was nothing more than a broadcast list. Not for discussion. You have the board for that. DOn't act like it was an open-ended e-mail discussion list. There wasn't a need for it and you are smart enough to realize it.

2. Jim sent out an e-mail to it. He admitted he messed up and put everybody's addy in the CC field. He won't do this in future e-mails (which, effectively shoots your "anybody respond to everybody" logic in the head).

3. You proceeded to take Jim's list, that HE built, call it your own, and start sending out message(s) to people who didn't ask for e-mails from you, but were forced to get them from you. This is called spam.

This is a very cut and dry thing. No need to twist it up. In 3 points above, I've laid it out very clearly to you, what went down. You know what happened. You want to annoy these people as much and as often as possible. You do whatever it takes. Be careful though. One day, you will cross one of my lines in the sand and it'll be over for you. There's no coming back to life, like Raging Bull. Once you are out, you are out. Once in a lifetime kind of thing.

The fact you won't admit you were wrong and that you are twisting up who created the list, its purpose, and now what happened is quite disturbing.

Again: Delete the list. Never send out another e-mail on it. Apologize for what you did. If you really want an e-mail list, create your own. Don't steal from others. Create your own following.

I'd like this discussion to end here. You think I'm wrong. I know you are wrong. We can agree to disagree. You are only digging yourself deeper, the more you argue with me. I think everybody reading here with their head on their shoulders understands what you've done and who's right about this. Both sides of the debate have been aired, let the people decide.