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12/29/13 8:44 AM

#32523 RE: goforthebet #32522

The Multi-Hospital trials might have been delayed due to the tests runs for the EPA.
I think the tests runs for EPA approval is much more important and they should be wrapping that up by now, unless the holidays have delayed some of the test runs.
I am expecting some news in early January, although, that could just be wishful thinking on my part.


12/29/13 10:54 AM

#32525 RE: goforthebet #32522

Thanks for that, Ms. Gofor. That is correct as far as the multi-hospital trials.

When WIV mentioned that we haven't heard anything about "trials", I assumed he meant ongoing trials in Belleville, in which case my comment would be applicable.

Looking back now at WIV's post #32514, I see he was basing his remarks on the Oct. Chairman's Message, which clearly refers to the upcoming multi-hospital testing. In that message, no projected date is given for the trials to begin, hence WIV's comment that "As yet, I don’t think we’ve been told the test has begun."

However, in the other source that you linked in your post, there is a projected date, as you write, Q1 of '14. So it's clear that these broader tests have not yet begun.

It still interests me to know if more testing had taken place in Belleville, and if there will be some data emerging from the work that was done there in resolving the MRSA outbreak.



12/30/13 1:31 PM

#32531 RE: goforthebet #32522

Gofor and Ben, I think you or any of us should evaluate what Ed says, carefully.

Will MZEI start the multi-hospital multi-phase hospital tests in Q1 2014? When the test protocol development status was set forth by Ed in October, the company had not yet contracted with hospitals to do the testing. Has that changed? Ed stated that it would be near year-end before the Phase I improvements would be made to the AS machine. Is that done? I doubt that the company would be building non-Phase I compliant machines in anticipation of utilization in a study to commence in Q1. Further, we have seen that it takes MZEI 2+ months to cause machines to be built once an order is received. If not in inventory (which I think is likely the case given the needed refinements - we’ll see about this within weeks as the quarterly financials are published), late Q1 would be the earliest commencement date. Are our good doctors lining up test sites and have actual contracts in hand or is this being done in concert with SMWW? You might ask, what difference does it make? If SMWW is involved, it might suggest that they need/demand the results of such a study before they can effectively market the product and may be a basis for the perceived slowness of marketing activity. Absent having real world data that says the AS operational protocol in a hospital is ____, there is no basis for the hospital to determine the number of AS units it needs or the presumed cost savings resulting from incorporation of the AS process. In this environment, about the best you can hope for from SMWW at this time is for them to sell, perhaps, one machine per location that can be used to treat defined infected areas as they crop up rather than selling multiple unit systems per facility that are incorporated into routine cleaning procedures. Considering the test may extend up to 9 months in length, any “routine” use of the AS protocol / machines looks to be deferred until 2015 (unless there is compelling mid-test data available, or perhaps there is nascent data from the Belleville work that could support greater than emergent use of AS). Our “commercial” company looks to still be firmly planted in the R&D phase. Frankly, I lack an appreciation for why it will take nearly 3 years from first product delivery to start real-world protocol testing.

We have seen Ed speak of future events before so as to offer some information (sign) that there is real work being done at MZEI. For years, Ed stated that the company had prestigious test sites lined up. Nearly 15 months following the roll-off of the first production units, in July 2012 Dr. Zoutman authored the protocol for base room cleaning. The prestigious test hospitals never materialized and in Jan-Feb 2013 Zoutman began testing in his own hospital. We have little information about the scope or results of these tests.

Gofor, you copy Ed’s comments about $6-$7 healthcare cost savings for each $1 invested in AS. Do you REALLY believe this? Ed has been trotting these figures out for years. What is the basis of them? At best, the ratio is a WAG based upon many years-old CDC cost data associated with HAIs, some presumed rate of infection reduction using AS, and some presumed number of AS units and utilization needed to achieve the hypothetical infection reduction. Without the aforementioned studies being completed, the MZEI forecast of cost effectiveness is just hocus pocus. Perhaps the studies will reveal that the cost:benefit is actually better than that stated; perhaps not. What is the point in the Company continuing to use this data without there being rigorous evidence of same? The simple point is that the company needs to refrain from making such non-objective claims absent evidence of same. Writers and publications looking to report on MZEI (patents, presumed EPA approval, initial sales, US distribution, etc.), to say nothing about the sophisticated investment community, will certainly pick up on such claims and challenge them. If found to be weak in fact-based support, they will all the more question other aspects of MZEI’s claims.